DaniJo Hawkins Pottery

Cheers to 2025!


danielle hawkins1 Comment

Cheers to a new year of possibilities.

I spent the first few days cleaning and reorganizing my studio and it felt great to start working in a fresh space!
You wouldn’t know it now. After a few days of working there is clay and new pieces everywhere. Freshly made, drying, bisque fired…it is an exciting time for me when I am in a creative mood like this.

I hope the beginning of your year has started with some cleaning up and clearing out. And a new perspective of goals you wish to achieve.

My next website restock should be the beginning of February. I will know the exact date soon and will keep you all posted.

Stay safe, love the ones you are with and keep creating!!
Danielle. -DaniJo Hawkins Pottery

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