DaniJo Hawkins Pottery

Cheers to 2025!

Staying Inspired

danielle hawkins

Kind of an open ended title, isn’t it?

It is where I find myself at the beginning of every year. (Danielle, it’s March! We are 1/3 through the year!!)
I know! I know!

I have a thousand ideas running through my head. But sometimes the $$ comes from doing the same thing over and over again. Which is awesome! It is my bread and butter. But because of that, my muscle memory gets stuck and I can’t switch out of it. And I have to remember that show season is just around the corner and not everyone has the same taste.

I really try to create different styles and use different glaze colors to appeal to many people. This has helped and harmed me in the past. I have come home from a show with a lot of the same color that just didn’t sell. My friends can attest to this. They own a lot of these pieces now… (I hope they love them!)

So here I am, pondering what to create next. What color is going to be a hit this year. If there are really that many people that need yet another mug.
Hoping that this “handmade movement” isn’t just a fad and that everyone will still see the value in buying for the craftsmanship in years to come.

I think all artists and “crafters” have this same dilemma of sorts. I can’t be the only one.

So here goes nothing, I mean A LOT of somethings.

Or something like that.

AND as always!!! “BUY LOCAL, BUY HANDMADE! “