DaniJo Hawkins Pottery

Cheers to 2025!


Some Thoughts on Pottery

Studiodanielle hawkinsComment

I came into this pottery world a novice. And I ardently believe that I still am. There is so much to learn and I spend my days watching and learning and researching.
The thing about pottery is that it is a “craft”. The making of pieces that feel good and are functional is something that needs to be developed over time. At least, for me.
Nothing came natural. Every single thing I have learned, I have done just that… LEARNED!
Early on in my life, I heard an instructor tell me. “Practice doesn’t make perfect, Practice makes permanent.” (Thank you, Mr Birch!) And I think about that constantly as I learn new skills. Making sure that I listen to my instructors and when I work, I work with purpose. I put my hands where they taught me, I think about the speed of the wheel, I clean my hands after every pull, I measure the bottoms, the sides and I make sure that the handles look as good as they feel.
Pottery has taught me patience and it has given me the knowledge that if I want to learn something new, I can. As long as I put the time into it.
Lately, I have been pushing my limits with clay and glaze and firing techniques in the hope that I can learn so many more skills and maybe even other crafts to bring to my pottery world.
I hope you enjoy coming along this ride with me. On to the next adventure!


Being creative is not a hobby, it’s a way of life.